Thursday, September 15, 2005


I'm AFK all day thanks to some silly training. I have a few minutes before the van leaves, so I thought I'd throw something up that I'd written in an e-mail the day before I moved into my Hideout.

But first, I have a bitch to scratch


Last night I was down in the dumps. I have been for about a month now. It got worse after my trip to Chicago. Why? Cuz I'm all alone. It sucks. I'm sick of the one night stand shit. I'm ready for a relationship that will last. I want to make love and fuck in the same night. I want to have time for multiple orgasms. I want to watch a chick flick with a chick. I want to fall asleep, wake up with a hard on, put it to use, then fall back asleep. I want to have my morning shower with someone else. I want someone to kiss goodnight. I want someone to want to kiss me goodnight. I want to come home for a nooner and have an after dinner make-out session with the same person. Is that too much to ask?



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