Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday, 8pm, worst time of the week

Is it me, or is it just about 8pm every Sunday (except when Monday is a holiday) that you realize "Shit, tomorrow is Monday and I've wasted this WHOLE weekend!" and then scramble to get ONE thing done so you can rest peacefully.

If I finish unpacking this ONE box I will have unpacked 1 box this weekend!

PA drivers still don't piss me off as much as Mississippi ones. I do have SOME advice for you's:

1. A turn signal should signal your intention to change lanes, not serve as a reminder of what you just did.

2. If you didn't follow so close to my bumper, your brakes would last longer.

3. Being first to work makes you gay.

4. No, really, 70 in a 45 is unsafe...even to a hot-rod like me.

5. I'd rather sit in a garage for 3 hours while they inspect my car than have shady mechanics hand out MS state inspection stickers for $5 to people with no working brake lights.

6. There's a Dunkin Donuts on every corner.

ok, so that last one was just bragging.

Have a great week!


I didn't finish unpacking that one box


Blogger Lady K from IP address: said...

Welcome BACK! I couldn't agree with you more on all points, and I AM jealous that there's a Dunkin Donuts on every corner. I HATE Krispy Kreme! YAY, the Hitman LIVES!!! Does this mean WV:TG is on again?

9:06 PM  
Blogger John from IP address: said...

I will only say that there's a reason for the wheel chair by the WV know, in my line of work....

9:09 PM  
Blogger Liz from IP address: said...

He's alive! Christ dude I thought perhaps you'd become a victim of a rival hitman. I honostly thought the FBI was looking for you on that farm.

Glad your adapting to Philly. Really miss you!

8:36 AM  
Blogger Brad the Gorilla from IP address: said...

Ho, ho! I knew you couldn't resist the lure of the internet for too much longer. I am currently in NYC (stowing away) and every time I eat a cannoli, which is every 1/2 hour, I think, "I wonder if my friend Hitman J would like some. No, he's probably happy with his dunkin' donuts!"

5:34 PM  
Blogger Lady K from IP address: said...

brad, NAH, you kiddin' me? He's happier with his Philly Cheesesteaks, which he HASN'T posted about.

J. Come ON. You KNOW you've had a GREAT one. They don't call 'em "Phillies" for NOTHING!

11:54 PM  

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