Thursday, December 22, 2005

Word Verifier: The Gathering

Week 13: Letters to "Lucky"

Lucky is one of my dearest friends. His whole life he was in the right place at the right time. Lucky is also well known in my family as someone who gets things done. This week, as a Christmas favor to all of you, he's opened his ears to your complaints. I stood up for you all and told him that my Blogger family was getting their asses chapped. He's agreed to do what he can. But just you remember this: Any disrespect shown to Lucky, is double disrespect shown to me--I stood for you, don't make me regret it!

Just to clarify, you don't HAVE to make a word or acronym. It doesn't have to be PER SE either. If you see a "u" and it turns out to be a "v" or if you look at your word and read it wrong, that's O.K. The point is to be creative and have fun, but also describe the first thing that comes to mind. This isn't a literary's a comedy contest!

Ready? GO!

First time visitors: The rules are simple. Go into my comments section, read your verification word and be creative. Each week I'll give just a bit of direction for the topic.




Blogger John from IP address: said...


These are those guys I was tellin' ya about. They've been gettin' raked over by these bfuxs in corporate America. They gots some complaints and I told 'em we'd do them a little favor, ya know, like some Christmas miracle shit.

Tell your Ma I said Hi and I'll be over Sunday for pasta.


8:16 AM  
Blogger Brad the Gorilla from IP address: said...


As I wait for my first cup of coffee, I realize that I, Brad the Gorilla, am completely devoid of cleverness this morning. Yes, I, even I, sometimes have nanoseconds of writer's block. The word-verifier jumble "cbies" reminds me of my childhood, when I rode in my mother's truck and played with her CB Radio. My mother, I think I've mentioned, was a big-time activist in her day. She was always lobbying for gorilla rights, and communicated with her cohorts primarily by CB Radio. (This was in the day way before cell-phones were anything but daydreams for the common primate.) My mother was always using special codes on the radio, and I wanted to do the same. The trouble is, I didn't know what any of the codes were. I got us into trouble sometimes. For example...

Young Brad on CB: Chocolate pudding on banana sticks straight ahead!

Real meaning: The elephants are stampeding the marketplace. Send reinforcements immediately.

Young Brad on CB: I'm smoking 12 stinky cigars!

Real meaning: Please send 12 dozen pizzas to the mayor, and put them on his bill.

Young Brad on CB: Underpants! Hankie! Flush the toilet!

Real meaning: All members of the liberation squad immediately report to the ice-cream stand and await further instructions.

As you can guess, I spent a lot of time in the Uncooperative Chair.

As far as complaints to Lucky goes, I only have one:

I still haven't seen the new "King Kong." Grumble, grumble, grumble. I don't know what you're supposed to do about it, but I thought I'd complain anyway, just to see if any miracles come about as a result of my grousing.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Liz from IP address: said...


Could you please do something about Johnny's blatant self promotion on Thursdays. I don't even think he actually reads my posts on Thursday. If he keeps this up I might be forced to ktfvidx.

11:32 AM  
Blogger Saints and Spinners from IP address: said...

I could really use some time off. I'm not asking for much, as I know times are tough, and trips to England or New Zealand are out of the question, but I wouldn't turn down an all-day massage/ facial/ pedicure at some private but non-snooty spa. I'd even be willing to try one of those new
ayqodd wraps that leave one's skin glowing like a fresh mango. Oh, mangoes. I love mango lassis, too. May I have one of those when I'm getting my pedicure?

Lucky, I realize that you are not Santa Claus, and that instead of giving you a list of complaints, I'm writing out a fantasy day-off, but I truly believe that with your run of good fortune, you will manage to help others. Thanks so much. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you in return. Someday, when you are sitting down at a party, trying to enjoy your dirty martini, someone will come up to you and start boring you with a list of his woes. I will rescue you. I will sit down said fellow and tell him the entire plot of Wagner's Ring of the Niebelung. I can guarantee you that by the end of "Die Walkure," he'll be pleading for mercy. If he's particularly unlucky, I might even sing a rendition of Wotan's farewell to Brunhilde.

O, I can be wicked when I set my mind to it.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Amichai from IP address: said...



Having just got off a long busy shift at starbucks (and now smelling of coffee - which though might be a turn on for some, is quite the opposite) I am filled with the sudden sensation of ineqptsj.

This is the simlutanios sensation of feeling the general inequality of the world, and giving said world the rasberry (thus the ptsj is an onomatopoeia). On the plus side, I did get paid and can now afford the concert tickets I already bought.

3:13 PM  
Blogger Spinning Girl from IP address: said...


I think that's a type of worm.

7:06 PM  
Blogger Monkey from IP address: said...


Dear Lucky,

My boss insists on having absurd parties or "team building meetings" at every opportunity. I would like to hold a team building meeting in his ass... could you arrange that for me? I'm hoping for a cattle prod to get the party going. And some vaucadin, which is a close relative to vicodin, but it's for cows.

Thank you,
Your Obediant Servant Monkey

10:56 PM  
Blogger rawbean from IP address: said...

hi, lucky is it it?

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but my word is mlkpn.

I use my mlkpn all the time, tough to read what I've written though. I am thinking of upgrading to the chocolate version.

Oh yea...cough *sound of crickets*.

11:00 PM  

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